pressdog Launches Decal-based Effort to Jump-Start Reunification Efforts

Just email me your congratulations right now, my friends, because on Sept. 18 I slapped a Champ Car decal right under my IndyCar Series decal on the back window of my high-performance, 2001 Ford Focus. Kevin, Tony, no need for effusive thanks. Just shoot me some free tickets, a few odd hot pit passes and send the $47 million jet to Des Moines International Airport. My pleasure if I can get my girls Katherine Legge and Sarah Fisher on the same track while ending this unification nuttiness.
I know, my move was a little reckless. When I first put the decals so close together, I thought maybe they might both start smoldering and melt through the glass in an Indiana Jones fashion. I briefly considered putting one on each side of the back window, separated by about three feet, but then I channeled Rodney King and said, "Can't we all just get along?"
Still, I had protective gear and a garden hose standing by just in case some X-Files-ish stuff started going down when I put the Champ Car sticker on. But nothing happened. No smoldering. No earth opening up and gobbling me whole. No thunder. Not even static electricity.
Going to a bi-decal configuration is a big step for me. I used to make fun of Champ Car. But then I started watching the races. OK, at first I mainly watched so I could make fun of them, but those street/road races kind of grow on you. And the Champ Car peeps do a waaaaaaaay better job of televising street/road races than ABC/ESPN. (Tip: Get the cameras UP IN THE AIR.)
Street/road racing is a whole different kind of strategy. Qualifying is three-quarters of the battle. Then it's fuel mileage and pit strategy. Red tires or black? How will the yellows fall? Who, besides Paul Tracy, will go mental during the race and spear someone? It's kind off like developing an appreciation for left-brain (analytical) racing. The oval stuff is all right-brain: "Screw the strategy and floor it."
I've developed enough as a left-brain Champ Car fan that I can make it all the way to lap 50 or 60 without starting to doze, even while drinking beer. Before I was napping by lap 20, so that's real progress. Even though Sebastien Bourdais has totally bitchslapped the field and has the title all but locked up, I'm still looking forward to the Sept. 24 Road America race.
Besides, my homey Pat, who may or may not work in the racing biz, says Paul Tracy is a fabulous of a guy. But for some reason she nearly peed herself when I suggested Champ Kerrrr announcer Derek "Hold onto your hollyhocks" Daly replace Rusty Wallace in the IRL broadcast booth. Pat: "Oh, no. No. No no no no. NO."
Since reunification is about compromise, we can stop short of Derek representing with Marty Reid and Scott Goodyear in the booth. (Jan Beekhuis, however, could work well in the pits.) But let's do get this unification thing going. Sure, there are lots of issues to work out. Engine. Chassis. Oval/street/road mix. But you can do it, Tone and Kev. I've ignited the grass roots here in Des Moines. We're getting an IRL race at Rusty's track just 45 minutes east of here in Newton. It's BIG MO, baby.
Besides, if the stickers can co-exist, so can the series.
All I know is we're going anwyere, Jamie is driving, because we gotta get her in a car.
Will it help Danica win?
First, unification would put more cars on the track and teams in the garage, but it won't put more butts in the seats. Somebody needs to put major bucks into some NASCAR-style PR.
Second, *please* somebody get jamie off that silly 50cc moped and into (at least) an Indy Pro car. Who knows, she might actually be able to drive the thing.
Right on man...your Ford is racing's United Nations and your open wheel's Condi Rice!
I feel like getting an acoustic guitar and singing Kumbayah until we're blue in the face, and it's a beautiful feeling
when I first read this I thought...oh, no....our boy has done got into the fermented stuff at the bottom of the silo...but then when I realized that you made no mention of a secret fondness for Nicky Pastorelli...I thought it COULD work.
But, I'll do you one better. AJ goes to NASCAR. An IRL team trades Forsyth a power-plant-to-be-named-later (corn-powered, natch) for the contract of one Paul Tracy. And suddenly, the need for a merger is averted entirely, and Iowa remains on the schedule so long as Rusty and Mrs. Rusty don't give beloved Pressdog a ride to or from the track.
And THAT is what it's all about, isn't it?
Yes, evlk, that's the spirit. I'm down with all of what you said. But, if the Rustys give me a ride to the rack, it has to be in their highly safe Dodge Durango. And, for the record, ethanol is the very same kind of alcohol that's in alcoholic beverages. Which explains why we Iowans are so relaxed all the time. Cheers.
Love your posts as usual. It's surprising those logos didn't go Tracy and Tagliani or Patrick and Lazier on each other. Still makes me wonder why some people wouldn't want those two together given that it's unlikely they'll succeed and thrive separately.
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